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MRI-Guided TMS therapy is now available at Mind Connections Specialist Health Services.

Mind Connections Specialist Health Services Psychiatrists are at the forefront of non-medication treatment and neuroscience research. Both premises, Carlingford and Norwest, offer MRI-guided Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) therapy. This ground-breaking approach signifies a major advancement in precision, personalization, and diagnostic capabilities, providing new hope and improved outcomes for patients who do not wish to have medication or if they are having difficulties with side effects. 

Advanced iTBS at Mind Connections: Elevating Therapeutic Effectiveness

Elevating our commitment to providing the most advanced treatment options, Mind Connections Specialist Health Services utilises intermittent theta-burst stimulation (iTBS) for rTMS therapy. iTBS is a form of rTMS that delivers treatment in optimised intensities and shorter intervals, significantly improving therapeutic outcomes compared to traditional rTMS protocols. This advanced technique allows for a more efficient and effective treatment process by reducing the duration of sessions while maximising therapeutic outcomes, namely recovery and well-being.

Understanding rTMS

Here’s a concise breakdown of rTMS and its benefits, particularly with advanced intermittent theta-burst stimulation (iTBS).
rTMS utilises magnetic fields to stimulate nerve cells in the brain, focusing on areas affected by psychiatric and neurological conditions. This stimulation aims to reactivate or rewire the brain cells (neurons), potentially relieving symptoms of various disorders. Repetitive magnetic pulses are why this technique is termed “repetitive” Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS).

rTMS was a game-changer for me. Medication was no help. I was desperate, angry, frustrated; too… depressed about everything. I was sceptical about rTMS, but I thought that I had nothing to lose. I am so glad I had it. It worked! No side effects. I wish I had it earlier.

– Male, 52 years on work cover

The Role of iTBS in rTMS Therapy

At Mind Connections Specialist Health Services, iTBS—an advanced rTMS therapy—is employed. iTBS differs from traditional rTMS by offering optimised intensities and shorter intervals between stimuli. This innovation increases therapeutic effectiveness, making treatments more efficient and reducing the treatment duration.

I suffered years of Depression, trying various treatments and medications. rTMS changed my life. Within weeks, my mood and energy improved significantly. It’s amazing how effective it has been. I don’t feel helpless anymore.

– Retired female teacher, 72 years

The Safety and Efficacy of rTMS

One of the most appealing aspects of rTMS is its non-invasive nature. Treatments can be safely administered in an office setting without the need for anesthesia or sedation. This accessibility significantly improves the quality of life for patients, enhancing their productivity and providing an opportunity for some to wean off long-term medications.

I was so depressed, I refused to fly interstate to see my grandchild. Nothing made me happy. My husband said rTMS is a miracle. I improved everyday, and I felt like myself again by the end. The greatest gift was visiting my grandson. My family is so surprised and happy. I am back. 

– Mother of three, 52 years

Conditions Treated with rTMS

Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) represents a significant advancement in treating psychiatric and neurological conditions. Its application across a wide range of disorders showcases its versatility and efficacy as a non-invasive neuromodulation technique. These psychiatric and neurological conditions include, but not limited to:

  • Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Auditory Hallucinations in Schizophrenia
  • Addiction Disorders

I couldn’t work. I had migraines, tummy aches and what not! I saw that many specialists. Finally, I saw the Psychiatrist. rTMS was a breakthrough. No this and that test! The RESULTS were incredible. I am back at work. I don’t have to see specialists anymore!

– A male landscaper 22 years

Furthermore, rTMS shows promise in treating neurological conditions such as:

  • Early to moderate stages of Alzheimer’s Dementia
  • Parkinson’s Disease, particularly when freezing becomes an issue
  • Stroke rehabilitation
  • Multiple Sclerosis

Additionally, research into rTMS has suggested potential benefits in improving sleep quality by triggering slow sleep waves, helping patients achieve a better night’s rest.


rTMS, especially with the advanced application of iTBS, offers a hopeful alternative for individuals with treatment-resistant conditions. Its broad applicability across both psychiatric and neurological disorders—coupled with its non-invasive nature—makes it a compelling option for those seeking effective treatment without the drawbacks associated with traditional medication therapies. 

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